24. 07. 2024.President Juhász and president Gojković visit Palić

Novi Sad, 23 July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Balint Juhász and president of the Provincial Government Maja Gojković visited Palić today, where they went to see the Palić Water Tower and Aqua Park, as well as other tourist attractions that have recently been constructed or renovated with the funds | read more

22. 07. 2024.President Juhász attends the unveiling of ”The Wrestler” statue in Kanjiža

Kanjiža/Novi Sad, 22 July  - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Balint Juhász attended today the ceremonial unveiling of “The Wrestler” statue in front of the Vojvodina Wrestling Academy in Kanjiža.


President Juhász stressed the importance of wrestling in this region, | read more

16. 07. 2024.Juhász at the signing of the cooperation agreement with the National Széchényi Library from Budapest

Senta/Novi Sad, 16 July- President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Senta the ceremony of signing of the cooperation agreement between the Institute for the Hungarian Culture in Vojvodina and the National Széchényi Library from Budapest. | read more

16. 07. 2024.President Juhász received the Provincial Protector of Citizens, assisstant professor Dragana Đorić PhD

Novi Sad, 16 July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint met today with the Provincial Protector of Citizens – Ombudsman, assistant professor Dragana Đorić PhD, with whom he discussed the importance of the institution of the Provincial Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman with a view to protecting human rights. | read more

16. 07. 2024.Meeting between President Juhas and the President of the Provincial Government

Novi Sad, 16th July - President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković, and President of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina, Bálint Juhász, concluded in the Provincial Government, during today’s meeting, that the continuity of the good previous cooperation between the two | read more

12. 07. 2024.President Juhász received director of PC „President Juhász received director of PC „Vojvodinašume“

Novi Sad, 12 July – The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint  and director of the PC „Vojvodinašume“ Roland Kokai have exchanged views today on the importance of responsible management of the growing stock, as forests are of immeasurable value, representing a capital natural resource. | read more

11. 07. 2024.President Juhas visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina

Novi Sad, 11 July - The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint has met, at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, with the president of that institution Boško Vučurević and his associates, at which occasion he was presented  the trends of | read more

09. 07. 2024.President Juhász spoke with the director of „Vode Vojvodine“ Public Water Management Company

Novi Sad, 09th July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász spoke today with Srđan Kružević, director of  „Vode Vojvodine“ PWMC, the founder of which is the AP Vojvodina Assembly.

President Juhász and director Kružević talked about | read more

08. 07. 2024.President Juhász received prof. Bálint Pásztor, PhD

Novi Sad, 8 July - The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász has received today, at the provincial Assembly, the deputy in the National Assembly and president of the City Assembly of Subotica, prof. | read more

08. 07. 2024.The „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee held its 81st session

Novi Sad, 8 July -  The 81st session of the „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee was held today at the AP Vojvodina Assembly. The session was chaired by Juhász Bálint, the president of the AP Vojvodina Assembly and president of the „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee. | read more

06. 07. 2024.The APV Assembly delegation in Ulm in the forum on the Danube cooperation

Ulm/Novi Sad, 6th July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász and Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Boris Novaković participated today, in the German city of Ulm, in the forum dedicated to the Danube cooperation, which as a part of | read more

05. 07. 2024.Juhász and Novaković at the opening of the 13th International Festival of Danube Cities and Regions in Ulm

Ulm/Novi Sad, 5th July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász and Vice-President of the APV Assembly Boris Novaković are attending today in the German city of Ulm the ceremonial opening of the 13th  International Festival of Danube Cities and Regions, which is traditionally | read more

03. 07. 2024.President Juhász awarded medals to the cadets and juniors at the European Wrestling Championship

Novi Sad, 03rd July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász attended European Wrestling Championship for cadets and juniors in Novi Sad, today, and awarded medals to the winners of this competition day in the category up to 67 kilograms. 

While congratulating | read more

03. 07. 2024.President Juhász awarded medals to the cadets and juniors at the European Wrestling Championship

Novi Sad, 03rd July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász attended European Wrestling Championship for cadets and juniors in Novi Sad, today, and awarded medals to the winners of this competition day in the category up to 67 kilograms. 

While | read more

02. 07. 2024.President Juhász Received Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Tomislav Žigmanov

Novi Sad, 2nd July - Today, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász received Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Tomislav Žigmanov, with whom he discussed the continuation of cooperation | read more

27. 06. 2024.The 4th session of the AP Vojvodina Assembly held

Novi Sad, 27 June – At its fourth session, the AP Vojvodina Assembly passed the Provincial Assembly Decision on the Final Account of the Budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina fot the year 2023. Smiljka Jovanović, a member of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary of Finance, gave the introductory | read more

26. 06. 2024.President Juhász received Minister Tanja Miščević

Novi Sad, 26 June – Today, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint received the Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miščević, with whom he discussed the importance of the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and current issues related to the accession process. | read more

25. 06. 2024.President Juhász at the reception on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe

Belgrade/Novi Sad, 25 June – Today in Belgrade, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended an official reception on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe.

Janoš Babić, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade and Tanja | read more

18. 06. 2024.President Juhász at the opening of the drinking water treatment plant in Senta

Novi Sad/Senta, June 18- President of the of AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Senta the commissioning of the city’s well for the supply of drinking water, one of the very significant infrastructure projects in this place financed by the Provincial Government, the Municipality | read more

13. 06. 2024.Delegation of the AP Vojvodina at the AER General Assembly and the Black Sea Summit

Batumi/Novi Sad, 13th June - Assembly President  Bálint Juhász  and Vice-Presidents Damir Zobenica and Aleksandra Maletić, participate at the 8th Black Sea Summit in Batumi, Georgia, | read more

13. 06. 2024.Initiation of cooperation between AP Vojvodina and the Georgian Republic of Adjara

Batumi/Novi Sad, 13 June - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint and Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Damir Zobenica spoke today in the Georgian | read more

12. 06. 2024.AP Vojvodina Assembly Delegation at the meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of European Regions (AER)

Batumi/Novi Sad, 12 June - The delegation of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, members of which included President  Juhász Bálint and Vice-Presidents Damir Zobenica and Aleksandra Maletić, participates in the General Session of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), which is being held in the Georgian city of Batumi, in the Province of Ajara. | read more

06. 06. 2024.President Juhász at the “Gate of Success” (Kapija uspeha) Award ceremony

Novi Sad, 6 July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Novi Sad the ceremony on the occasion of the presentation of the “Gate of Success” Award for the quality of services in the hospitality | read more

01. 06. 2024.President Juhász attended the enthronement of the Bishop of Zrenjanin

Zrenjanin, 1 June - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today the Holy Mass and episcopal ordination of the Bishop of Zrenjanin, Monsignor Mirko Štefković.

President Juhász extended his heartiest congratulations to the newly elected Bishop | read more

25. 05. 2024.Juhász: Transport, tourist and cultural infrastructure are our windmills of cooperation

Rabe/Novi Sad, 25 May – President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint, attended today the traditional border opening ceremony at the border  triplex of Serbia, Hungary and Romania. | read more

21. 05. 2024.The third session of the AP Vojvodina Assembly was held

Novi Sad, 21 May - The AP Vojvodina Assembly held its third session today, where, among other things, the deputy provincial secretaries of the Provincial Government were elected.

A total of 12 deputy provincial secretaries were elected, namely:

Tóth | read more

20. 05. 2024.President Juhász spoke with President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković

Novi Sad, 20 May- President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint and President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković discussed today the cooperation and common goals of the two institutions after the constitution of the Provincial Assembly and the appointment of the Provincial Government. | read more

18. 05. 2024.Juhász: Faculty of Technical Sciences, the guardian of knowledge and symbol of pushing the boundaries of technological progress

Novi Sad, 18th May - The 64th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, and 50 years since it was given this name, was marked today with a ceremonial academy in the City Concert Hall, and on the occasion President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Bálint Juhász was awarded | read more

15. 05. 2024.Delegation of AP Vojvodina Assembly at the celebration of 176th Anniversary of the May Assembly

Sremski Karlovci, 15 May - The AP Vojvodina Assembly President Juhász Bálint and Vice Presidents of the Assembly Nemanja Zavišić and Boris Novaković attended today in Sremski Karlovci the official celebration of the | read more

08. 05. 2024.AP Vojvodina Assembly elected a new Provincial Government

Novi Sad, 8 May - At today’s session of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, a new Provincial Government was elected by a majority of vote, while Maja Gojković was elected the new President of the Provincial Government 

In her keynote address, Maja Gojković presented plans, principal guidelines, priorities and goals of the new Provincial Government. | read more

02. 05. 2024.Easter Greetings from the AP Vojvodina Assembly President Juhász

Novi Sad, 2 May - AP Vojvodina Assembly President Juhász Bálint congratulated the forthcoming Easter to the citizens and clergymen who celebrate this holiday according to the Julian calendar:

“May the joy and light of the greatest Christian holiday bring hope into your hearts, strengthen faith and bring love and compassion. On my behalf, and on behalf of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, I wish you to spend Easter | read more

02. 05. 2024.President Juhász sent congratulations to the new Government of the Republic of Serbia

Belgrade/Novi Sad, 2 May - AP Vojvodina Assembly President Juhász Bálint attended the election of the Government of the Republic of Serbia at the National | read more

25. 04. 2024.President and Vice Presidents of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Elected

Novi Sad, 25 April - The Assembly of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina in the continuation of the first session passed the Decision on the election of the President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly and the Decision on the election of the Vice Presidents of the AP Vojvodina Assembly and the Decision on the appointment of the Secretary General of the Assembly. | read more