Women's Parliamentary Network of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina

The Women's Parliamentary Network of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina (hereinafter: Women's Parliamentary Network), as an informal group of women deputies (regardless of their political party affiliation) acts for the purpose of achieving principles and goals which guarantee parliamentary democracy, rule of law and human rights. Members of the Women's Parliamentary Network are equal in their rights and duties.

Activities of the Women's Parliamentary Network are regulated by the Rules of Procedure of the  Women's Parliamentary Network of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina. The  Women's Parliamentary Network achieves the Programme principles and goals jointly and unitarily through promotion of the women's rights, active participation in decision-making process, as well as the process of strengthening and advocating democracy in all social spheres, such as:

  • respect for people, their dignity, rights and freedoms regardless of religion, racial and ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, political believes and social status;
  • protection of rights of employees;
  • protection of rights and freedoms of neglected persons, persons deprived of their rights, as well as disabled persons; 
  • protection of national minority rights;
  • achievement  of gender equality;
  • protection and improvement of the status of a family;
  • protection and realisation of citizens' interests;
  • protection of guranteed rights to property, health care and social protection, education, work, pension, environmental and other rights;
  • achievement and safeguarding of democratic, political and legal order in the country, as well as the rule of law and social justice;
  • establishing of European standards of living for all social classes and balanced and accelerated social development;
  • improvement of development of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, local self-governments and balanced regional development;
  • monitoring of decision making and execution and submission of initiatives.

Pursuant to the Programme principles and goals, the Women's Parliamentary Network cooperates with committees of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina (in particular, with the Committee on Gender Equality), political parties, local self-governments, non-governmental sector, national and interregional institutions.

Bodies of the Women's Parliamentary Network are as follows: the Assembly and the Executive Board. The Women's Parliamentary Network is represented by a Coordinator and a Deputy Coordinator. The activities of the Network are public, carried out through organisation of public seminars, forums, participation in round tables by means of official Internet presentations and other forms of action which could influence the public opinion of citizens.

The Rules of Procedure of the Women's Parliamentary Network regulates the name, transparency of activities, programme principles and goals, members, rights and duties of members, forms of organisation, managing authorities, election, dismissal, term of office, cessation of work, as well as other issues of interest to the work of the Women's Parliamentary Network.

Rules of Procedure of the Women’a Parliamentary Network of the AP Vojvodina Assembly may be downloaded using the following link:

Rules of Procedure of the Women’a Parliamentary Network of the AP Vojvodina Assembly

Members of the Women's Parliamentary Network
Members of the Women's Parliamentary Network, November 8th 2016 
Чланице Женске парламентарне мреже на оснивачком састанку са гостима. Чортановци, септембар 2013.
Members of the Women's Parliamentary Network at the founding meeting with guests, Čortanovci, September 2013 


Contact information: 

Tasks of the Informal Group Secretary shall be carried out by: Covic Viktoria

Тel: +381 21 487 41 68


Аddress: Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Vladike Platona 1

21108 Novi Sad

Republic of Serbia