Vice-President Nemanja Zavišić

Nemanja Zavišić was elected the Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly at its first session held on 25. April 2024.
He is a member of the Serbian Progressive Party and a member of the Deputies’ Group “ALEKSANDAR VUČIĆ - VOJVODINA MUST NOT STOP” in the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.
Duties in the Assembly
•Vice-President of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina.
He was born on 4 May 1992 in Vrbas, but grew up in Zmajevo where he lives.
He completed his undergraduate studies and master academic studies of law at the Faculty of Law, University of Novi Sad, with a high grade point average. He passed the bar examination.
From 2016 to 2019, he was employed in the law office in Vrbas where he mainly worked on criminal and civil law cases.
He is a member of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party.
He got his first political position after the 2017 local elections in Vrbas, when he became a councillor in the Municipal Assembly of Vrbas and the President of the Mandate and Immunity Commission, and he would remain in those positions until the end of his term of office in 2020.
As a member of the youth organisation of the Serbian Progressive Party, he attended a dozens of seminars, trainings and educations in the field of political leadership and activism, communication and negotiations skills.
He successfully completed political academy of the “Svetozar Miletić“ Foundation, the two-semester educational programme titled "PolitiKAS" organised by the Belgrade Open School and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, followed by the two-semester programme "Advanced Leadership in Politics", organised by the International Republican Institute, as well as the three-month political academy of the Robert Schuman Institute.
At the invitation of the "Friends of Europe” Organisation, he participated as a representative of young people from Serbia in the Balkan Summit of Young Political Leaders ”EU-Western Balkans: Enlargement, integration and challenge of transformation“, which took place in Brussels in 2018.
He is the President of the Supervisory Board for Family Accommodation and Adoption of Novi Sad, and held one mandate as the President of the Local Community Zmajevo.
In the 2020–2024 term, he was a Deputy and the Vice-President of the Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina from the electoral list “Aleksandar Vučić - For our children“.
In addition to his native Serbian language, he is fluent in English.
He is married with two children.
Contact information:
Tel: +381 21456 -4134; 487 -4124
Fax: +381 21 456 -107
Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina
Vladike Platona 1
21101 Novi Sad
Republic of Serbia