President Juhász received the Provincial Protector of Citizens, assisstant professor Dragana Đorić PhD

16. 07. 2024. President Juhász received the Provincial Protector of Citizens, assisstant professor Dragana Đorić PhD

Novi Sad, 16 July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint met today with the Provincial Protector of Citizens – Ombudsman, assistant professor Dragana Đorić PhD, with whom he discussed the importance of the institution of the Provincial Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman with a view to protecting human rights.

At the meeting, which was also attended by the Deputy Provincial Protector of | read more

Meeting between President Juhas and the President of the Provincial Government

16. 07. 2024. Meeting between President Juhas and the President of the Provincial Government

Novi Sad, 16th July - President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković, and President of the Assembly of the AP Vojvodina, Bálint Juhász, concluded in the Provincial Government, during today’s meeting, that the continuity of the good previous cooperation between the two institutions was proceeded, with the common goal for the AP of Vojvodina to continue to develop infrastructurally and  economically, | read more

President Juhász received director of PC „President Juhász received director of PC „Vojvodinašume“

12. 07. 2024. President Juhász received director of PC „President Juhász received director of PC „Vojvodinašume“

Novi Sad, 12 July – The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint  and director of the PC „Vojvodinašume“ Roland Kokai have exchanged views today on the importance of responsible management of the growing stock, as forests are of immeasurable value, representing a capital natural resource.

„Care for the growing stock is of capital significance for the AP Vojvodina, | read more

President Juhas visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry  of Vojvodina

11. 07. 2024. President Juhas visited the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina

Novi Sad, 11 July - The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint has met, at the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina, with the president of that institution Boško Vučurević and his associates, at which occasion he was presented  the trends of macroeconomic indicators in the AP Vojvodina for the first quarter of 2024.

President Juhász emphasised the immeasurable significance the | read more

President Juhász spoke with the director of „Vode Vojvodine“ Public Water Management Company

09. 07. 2024. President Juhász spoke with the director of „Vode Vojvodine“ Public Water Management Company

Novi Sad, 09th July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász spoke today with Srđan Kružević, director of  „Vode Vojvodine“ PWMC, the founder of which is the AP Vojvodina Assembly.

President Juhász and director Kružević talked about the successful  business dealings of this company, which is of general interest for the AP Vojvodina and its citizens, considering the | read more

President Juhász received prof. Bálint Pásztor, PhD

08. 07. 2024. President Juhász received prof. Bálint Pásztor, PhD

Novi Sad, 8 July - The President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Bálint Juhász has received today, at the provincial Assembly, the deputy in the National Assembly and president of the City Assembly of Subotica, prof.Bálint Pásztor, PhD.

Juhász and Pásztor discussed the importance of a good and efficient cooperation between different levels of authority, with the aim of developing local | read more

The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the representative body of citizens which enacts regulations for enforcement of laws and and other regulations and by-laws of the Republic of Serbia, the enforcement of which is delegated to the Assembly, as well as decisions and other by-laws within their competence. The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has 120 Deputies elected in direct elections, by means of balloting, according to proportional representation system, for a four-year term of office... more...


Assembly of AP Vojvodina has 120 deputies who are elected in direct elections...

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APV Statute

Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

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Adopted Acts

Database of acts contains provincial assembly decisions, decisions, declarations, recommendations, conclusions...

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