The 17th International Forum for Clean Energy Technologies opened

24. 09. 2024. The 17th International Forum for Clean Energy Technologies opened

Novi Sad, 24th September - The 17th International Forum for Clean Energy Technologies, with the title “Strategic Changes in National and Energy Policies”, which is traditionally organised by the Institute for European Affairs (INEA) and the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, was opened today at the Assembly of AP Vojvodina under the auspices of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina and the Provincial Secretariat for Energy, Construction and Transport. | read more

Ethnic Affairs Committee of the National People

23. 09. 2024. Ethnic Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress visits the AP Vojvodina Assembly

Novi Sad, 23 September – The AP Vojvodina Assembly president Juhász Bálint and vice-presidents Damir Zobenica, Aleksandra Maletić and Nemanja Zavišić received today, at the AP Vojvodina Assembly, the Ethnic Affairs Committee delegation of the National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China.

During the meeting with the Chinese delegation, headed by Bayin Chaolu, the Ethnic Affairs Committee | read more

Juhász: Preservation of Family Strengthens Society as a Whole

21. 09. 2024. Juhász: Preservation of Family Strengthens Society as a Whole

Novi Sad/ Bačka Topola, 21st September - Bálint Juhász, President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, attended today the conference "At home, together with you", organised by the Confederation of Family Organisations of the Carpathian Region and the Association of Large Families 3+ from Bačka Topola.

Addressing the audience, President Juhász said that we were living in challenging times when it was of great | read more

President Juhász attending the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Gender Equality

20. 09. 2024. President Juhász attending the 20th anniversary of the Institute for Gender Equality

Novi Sad, 20 Spetember – President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint and Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Aleksandra Maletić attended the ceremony on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the successful work of the Provincial Institute for Gender Equality. 

By pointing out that the AP Vojvodina had been at the forefront of developing gender democracy, president Juhász | read more

Juhász: Combining traditional and innovative is the future of agriculture

17. 09. 2024. Juhász: Combining traditional and innovative is the future of agriculture

Novi Sad/Senta, 17 September –  Today in Senta, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint attended a ceremonial start of the academic year and diploma awarding ceremony of the Consultative Centre of the Hungarian University for Agriculture and Life Sciences.

President Juhász greeted professors, students and guests and underlined the importance of agriculture and life sciences for | read more

President Juhász at the ceremonial session of the Bačka Topola Municipal Assembly

12. 09. 2024. President Juhász at the ceremonial session of the Bačka Topola Municipal Assembly

Bačka Topola, 12 September - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today the ceremonial session of the Bačka Topola Municipal Assembly marking the holiday of this municipality, including the traditional multi-day event „Days of the Municipality of Bačka Topola“.

Congratulating the leadership and citizens the days of Bačka Topla Municipality, President of the AP Vojvodina | read more

The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the representative body of citizens which enacts regulations for enforcement of laws and and other regulations and by-laws of the Republic of Serbia, the enforcement of which is delegated to the Assembly, as well as decisions and other by-laws within their competence. The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has 120 Deputies elected in direct elections, by means of balloting, according to proportional representation system, for a four-year term of office... more...


Assembly of AP Vojvodina has 120 deputies who are elected in direct elections...

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APV Statute

Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

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Adopted Acts

Database of acts contains provincial assembly decisions, decisions, declarations, recommendations, conclusions...

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