President Juhász received Minister Tanja Miščević

26. 06. 2024. President Juhász received Minister Tanja Miščević

Novi Sad, 26 June – Today, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint received the Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miščević, with whom he discussed the importance of the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and current issues related to the accession process.

Minister Miščević informed President Juhász of the details of the finalisation of the Reform | read more

President Juhász at the reception on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe

25. 06. 2024. President Juhász at the reception on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe

Belgrade/Novi Sad, 25 June – Today in Belgrade, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended an official reception on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe.

Janoš Babić, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade and Tanja Miščević, Minister of European Integration in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, addressed the audience | read more

President Juhász at the opening of the drinking water treatment plant in Senta

18. 06. 2024. President Juhász at the opening of the drinking water treatment plant in Senta

Novi Sad/Senta, June 18- President of the of AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Senta the commissioning of the city’s well for the supply of drinking water, one of the very significant infrastructure projects in this place financed by the Provincial Government, the Municipality of Senta and the company Japan Tobacco International (JTI).

Speaking about the importance of this project, | read more

Delegation of the AP Vojvodina at the AER General Assembly and the Black Sea Summit

13. 06. 2024. Delegation of the AP Vojvodina at the AER General Assembly and the Black Sea Summit

Batumi/Novi Sad, 13th June - Assembly President  Bálint Juhász  and Vice-Presidents Damir Zobenica and Aleksandra Maletić, participate at the 8th Black Sea Summit in Batumi, Georgia, which is being held as part of the General Session of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) , of which the AP Vojvodina has been an active member for many years.  

The theme of this year’s | read more

Initiation of cooperation between AP Vojvodina and the Georgian Republic of Adjara

13. 06. 2024. Initiation of cooperation between AP Vojvodina and the Georgian Republic of Adjara

Batumi/Novi Sad, 13 June - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint and Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Damir Zobenica spoke today in the Georgian city of Batumi with the Chairman of the Supreme Council of Adjara Autonomous Republic Davit Gabaidze about the possibilities of establishing cooperation between the AP Vojvodina and this Georgian republic.

As it was pointed out during the meeting, | read more

AP Vojvodina Assembly Delegation at the meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of European Regions (AER)

12. 06. 2024. AP Vojvodina Assembly Delegation at the meeting of the Bureau of the Assembly of European Regions (AER)

Batumi/Novi Sad, 12 June - The delegation of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, members of which included President  Juhász Bálint and Vice-Presidents Damir Zobenica and Aleksandra Maletić, participates in the General Session of the Assembly of European Regions (AER), which is being held in the Georgian city of Batumi, in the Province of Ajara.

During the day, President Juhász and Vice-President Zobenica, | read more

The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is the representative body of citizens which enacts regulations for enforcement of laws and and other regulations and by-laws of the Republic of Serbia, the enforcement of which is delegated to the Assembly, as well as decisions and other by-laws within their competence. The Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina has 120 Deputies elected in direct elections, by means of balloting, according to proportional representation system, for a four-year term of office... more...


Assembly of AP Vojvodina has 120 deputies who are elected in direct elections...

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APV Statute

Statute of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

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Adopted Acts

Database of acts contains provincial assembly decisions, decisions, declarations, recommendations, conclusions...

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