21. 09. 2024.Juhász: Preservation of Family Strengthens Society as a Whole

Novi Sad/ Bačka Topola, 21st September - Bálint Juhász, President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, attended today the conference "At home, together with you", organised by the Confederation of Family Organisations of the Carpathian Region and the Association of Large Families 3+ from Bačka Topola.

Addressing the audience, President Juhász said that we were living in challenging times when it was of great importance to provide solid institutional and personal support to family preservation, as well as to create conditions for their better economic and social position.

"Preservation of family contributes to the strengthening of society as a whole, a family provides security and support, transmits and nurtures values, traditions and norms that create a solid foundation for a healthier community and society as a whole," said President Juhász.

He pointed out that the family played a very important role in shaping the identity and sense of belonging and emphasized that a larger number of children in families, in addition to the demographic and economic aspect, contributed to the strengthening of ties in local communities, but also helped preservation of the culture, language and traditions that were passed down to new generations.

"We live in a time when the birth rate is falling, the population is getting older, and young people are leaving smaller settlements in search of existence. Therefore, it is our duty and obligation to do everything in our power so that they can stay in their settlements, start families, develop businesses and live a life of the same quality as in larger settlements," said President Juhász.

Juhász added that the provincial administration until then did a lot in terms of providing support to young married couples, as well as couples with three and four children, and that, among other things, the Provincial Secretariat for Social Policy, Demography and Gender Equality regularly launched tenders for the purchase of houses and improvement of living conditions in terms of adaptation and renovation of residential buildings.

The Confederation of Family Organisations of the Carpathian Region has founded more than ten associations aiming to provide support to families and expand friendly relations in the Carpathian region and beyond, as well as encourage cooperation among family organisations and civil associations that have the same goals.

In addition to representatives of the organisers and family associations,  MP Bálint Pásztor, President of the National Council of the Hungarian National Minority Árpád Fremond and President of Bačka Topola Municipality Adrián Szatmári, also spoke at the conference.