17. 09. 2024.Juhász: Combining traditional and innovative is the future of agriculture

Novi Sad/Senta, 17 September –  Today in Senta, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Juhász Bálint attended a ceremonial start of the academic year and diploma awarding ceremony of the Consultative Centre of the Hungarian University for Agriculture and Life Sciences.

President Juhász greeted professors, students and guests and underlined the importance of agriculture and life sciences for the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our region and country as the development of these fields make the foundation of a stable future.

“Today, while awarding diplomas, we celebrate not only individual successes, but the joint effort of the community, institutions, teachers, students and parents in acquiring knowledge. Supporting education is crucially important for the Hungarian community in Vojvodina, especially in the area of agriculture and life sciences. Applying modern technologies and research results in agriculture and environmental protection is essential for sustainable development, and you, new graduates, are the ones who can make these changes a reality. I especially want to congratulate the graduated students, horticultural engineers, agricultural engineers and agronomists for rural development”, said President Juhász and signified how important it was for these graduates to use the acquired knowledge for the welfare of community and their country.

Juhász underscored that this institution will continue to combine the tradition of the past with innovations that the future brings, and that students would continue to gain new knowledge so as to improve agricultural and scientific development of Vojvodina.

The study programme for horticulture, has been continuous in Senta since 1996, firstly through the civil organisation of the Association of Gardeners and as of 2009 through the Foundation Pro Scientia Naturae. Currently the Foundation organises classes for two bachelor (BSc in Horticulture and BSc in Agricultural Engineering) and two master programmes (MSc in Agricultural Engineering for Rural Development and MSc in Horticulture). So far, more than 532 students from Vojvodina successfully finished education, most of whom use gained knowledge in their family-run farms of in the agricultural enterprises in the region. Education is implemented in the form of part-time studies, which enables successful graduation alongside family and work obligations.