16. 08. 2024.President Juhász attended celebration of Hungarian national holiday - St. Stephen’s Day

Balint JuhasNovi Sad, 16 August - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Balint Juhász attended tonight the official celebration of the Hungarian national holiday - on 20 August - St. Stephen’s Day.

The ceremony, which was traditionally organised in the Novi Sad Theatre - Újvidéki Színház, was attended by the representatives of the National Assembly and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, republic and provincial deputies, members of the Provincial Government:, representatives of the City of Novi Sad, Embassy of the Republic of Hungary, representatives of the Protector of Citizens - Ombudsman, national councils of national minorities, OSCE, diplomatic corps as well as other esteemed guests. 

In their speeches on this occasion, the President of the National Council of the Hungarian National Minority, Árpád Fremond, and the Vice-President of the Provincial Government, Sandra Božić, sent congratulations to the members of the Hungarian national community. Along with the sincere congratulations during the ceremony, it was underscored that the Provincial Assembly Decision on the establishment and official celebration of dates of provincial significance from 2018, determined 20 August, the celebration of Hungarian national holiday, the day when the king state-creator St. Stephen was declared a saint, as the date of provincial significance which is officially celebrated. It was pointed out the St. Stephen was a firm and educated ruler who foresaw steps which needed to be undertaken for the survival of his people and which he was not afraid to undertake. 

Balint JuhasThe emphasis was also given to the good neighbourly relations of the Hungarian and Serbian people which are especially demonstrated in the AP Vojvodina and that are additionally strengthened by the friendly relation and cooperation between the leaders of the two countries, which everyone in the region and in Europe could use as an example, it was said at the ceremony.

As it is tradition, a new bread, baked from young wheat, was blessed during the ceremony after which a rich cultural and artistic programme was held that included poets and storytellers Lajos Gal, Franciska Farkas, Danijel Stipančević, Cultural Centre Sándor Petőfi from Mali Iđoš, Fokos orchestra, Rizgeto dance ensemble and the Holy Trinity Choir from Ada.