08. 07. 2024.The „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee held its 81st session

Novi Sad, 8 July -  The 81st session of the „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee was held today at the AP Vojvodina Assembly. The session was chaired by Juhász Bálint, the president of the AP Vojvodina Assembly and president of the „European Affairs“ Fund Steering Committee.

After adopting the minutes of the previous session, members of the Fund’s Steering Committee and Ognjen Dopuđ, director of the „European Affairs“ Fund, considered and adopted the Information about the EU project approved for funding in the framework of the first call for proposals for Interregconsidered and adopted the Information about the EU project approved for funding in the framework of the first call for proposals for Interreg VI-A IPA Croatia - Serbia (2021-2027): - Interventions on the Danube (I.D.Danube) VI-A IPA Croatia - Serbia (2021-2027): - Interventions on the Danube (I.D.Danube).

The Amendment to the Financial Plan of the „European Affairs“ Fund of AP Vojvodina for 2024 was also adopted at the session, along with the Amendment to the Work Programme of the „European Affairs“ Fund of AP Vojvodina for the current year.