27. 06. 2024.The 4th session of the AP Vojvodina Assembly held

Novi Sad, 27 June – At its fourth session, the AP Vojvodina Assembly passed the Provincial Assembly Decision on the Final Account of the Budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina fot the year 2023. Smiljka Jovanović, a member of the Provincial Government and Provincial Secretary of Finance, gave the introductory explanation regarding the said Provincial Assembly decision at the session.

At today’s session, the Assembly considered the Annual Report of the Provincial Potector of Citizens – Ombudsan for the year 2023 and thus gained more insight into the work of that institution in the pvious year. The annual report was presented at the session by assistant professor Dragana Ćorić PhD, Potector of Citizens – Ombudsan.

During the second part of the session, the Assembly considered the Report of the menagement and disposal of public property of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina for the year 2023 and after consideration, it adopted the Conclusion proposed by the Provincial Government regarding the aforementioned report.

At the AP Vojvodina Assembly session, the following documents were considered and adopted: The Work Report of the European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina for the year 2023 and the Report on the Report on the work and financial operations of the Fund for Refugees, Dispalced Persons and Cooperation with Serbs in the Region for the year 2023.

Furthermore, the AP Vojvodina Assembly passed the Decision on the appointment of a member of the Council of the University of Novi Sad and Decision on the appointment of a member of the Council of the Faculty of Economics in Subotica. At the session, the Decision on amendments on the election of the AP Vojvodina Assembly committee presidents and members was adopted.