26. 06. 2024.President Juhász received Minister Tanja Miščević

Novi Sad, 26 June – Today, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint received the Minister of European Integration, Tanja Miščević, with whom he discussed the importance of the European integration process of the Republic of Serbia and current issues related to the accession process.

Minister Miščević informed President Juhász of the details of the finalisation of the Reform Agenda, which after the ratification, will enable our country to use funds from the  Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans, for the period until 2027.

“As before, the AP Vojvodina Assembly and provincial institutions are ready to do everything necessary to speed up the process of European integrations, as well as to invest maximum capacity in supporting the EU and cross-border projects of local self-governments and civil society, in order for them to become even more specific and to improve their quality,” Juhász pointed out.

President Juhász and Minister Miščević also discussed the importance of the fact that in a few days Hungary will take over the presidency of the Council of the EU, concluding that this country’s friendly and partner support to the Republic of Serbia would certainly contribute to accelerating potential available steps on our way to the EU. They particularly emphasised the importance and benefits that projects financed by the European Union had on the lives of citizens, and indicated the need to build capacities that would enable us to absorb funds even more intensely.

Juhász and Miščević also had talks concerning the need for a more fluid and faster flow at border crossings, as well as the contribution that the national communities living in the AP Vojvodina give and can provide to our country’s European path.