18. 06. 2024.President Juhász at the opening of the drinking water treatment plant in Senta

Novi Sad/Senta, June 18- President of the of AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Senta the commissioning of the city’s well for the supply of drinking water, one of the very significant infrastructure projects in this place financed by the Provincial Government, the Municipality of Senta and the company Japan Tobacco International (JTI).

Speaking about the importance of this project, the president of the APV Assembly, Juhász Bálint, pointed out that it was an outstanding example of good cooperation between the provincial and local levels of government and the business sector in solving serious problems of citizens.

“The construction and commissioning of the city well for the supply of drinking water in Senta enabled an uninterrupted supply of drinking water for 11,000 households in this city, and the problem of water supply that the citizens of Senta have faced so far, especially in the summer months, was resolved by joint efforts. The construction of additional water infrastructure was financed by the Provincial Government with 6 million dinars, the municipality of Senta and the Japan Tobacco International (JTI) Company. The total value of the investment, which includes the construction and equipping of wells, as well as the connection of pipelines, amounted to more than 10 million dinars”, said Juhász.

While expressing his gratitude to the Ambassador of Japan, Akira Imamura and the Japanese people for their friendship, consistent support and investments in our country, President Juhász reiterated that the trade exchange between Serbia and Japan had amounted to 330 million euros in the previous year. He emphasised that 6 companies from this country operated in the AP Vojvodina, which provided a strong contribution to the local economy and communities in Senta, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, Ruma and Inđija.

President Juhász pointed out that in the last four years, the Provincial Government invested 613 million dinars in projects in Senta, by means of which, among other things, school buildings and road infrastructure were reconstructed and built, streets were asphalted, wells revitalised and sewage network constructed.

President Juhász expressed particular appreciation for the JTI Company, one of the most successful foreign companies in the country and the most important market actor in Senta, for the demonstrated and consistent social responsibility and support in the implementation of numerous projects in the local community. He restated that since entering the Serbian market in 2006, the said Company managed to become a part of the community in 18 years, a market leader with a share of 28.8 percent, triple the number of employees, provide livelihood for 3000 families, as well as to be selected the best employer in the country nine times.

Ambassador of Japan in Serbia, H.E. Akira Imamura emphasised that as the largest employer in the tobacco industry in Serbia, JTI played a key role in this project.

“In Japan, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become part of the mainstream of private companies’ activities, not an additional burden that you have to bear. JTI exemplifies this commitment through its proactive involvement in projects that support the community. Such initiatives not only solve current needs, but also pave the way for stronger, more resilient communities and lasting improvements in people’s lives,” the ambassador pointed out and added that the recent visit of the Serbian business delegation to Japan additionally confirms the growing ties between our two countries.

The director of the JTI factory in Senta, Aleksandar Živkov, reminded that the JTI Company had implemented a series of activities aimed at improving the quality of life of people and improving the local community. In Senta, where the JTI factory is located, the company helped with the reconstruction of the theatre and the city fountain, the afforestation of the Tisa River banks, the reconstruction of the city pool, as well as the establishment of the Day Centre for the disabled. As he stated, the JTI Company had been supporting the humanitarian organisation Caritas for 17 years with donations that enable the users of the Meal Centre in Senta to have hot meals in the winter months.

The official opening was also attended by the Vice-President of the Provincial Government and the Provincial Secretary for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities, Ótott Róbert, Deputy Provincial Secretary for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Zoltan Tot, State Secretary in the Ministry of Finance, Kerekes József, Corporate Affairs and Communication Director in the JTI Company for the Western Balkans, Goran Pekez, director of JTI’s for Japanese affairs at the company’s headquarters in Geneva, Uri Vatar, and representatives of the Municipality of Senta.