06. 06. 2024.President Juhász at the “Gate of Success” (Kapija uspeha) Award ceremony

Novi Sad, 6 July - President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint attended today in Novi Sad the ceremony on the occasion of the presentation of the “Gate of Success” Award for the quality of services in the hospitality and tourism industry, which is traditionally awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina.

For 32 years, this award has been presented to those who promote the tourist potential of the AP Vojvodina in the best way and contribute to shaping Vojvodina’s tourist values.

This year’s “Gate of Success” Award in the category of cultural and historical tourism was presented to the “Terra” Museum from Kikinda, in the urban tourism category to Hotel “Pupin” from Novi Sad, in the event tourism category to the event “Days of Beer” (Dani piva) held in Zrenjanin, in the wine tourism category to Vinčić Winery from Erdevik and in the rural tourism category to Villa “Viko” from Čenej.

A special prize for the improvement and affirmation of receptive tourism and the promotion of the AP Vojvodina as a tourist destination was received by Danko Deneš from Subotica, the owner of the “Alpha travel SEE” Agency.

After the ceremony, President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint expressed his satisfaction that year after year the scale of tourism potential in Vojvodina was raised to a higher level and congratulated this year’s laureates.

“It is a great pleasure to see people who represent their local communities through tourist entities in the best possible way and with their knowledge, experience, persistence and dedicated work contribute both to economic growth and to the creation of a more beautiful overall image of our Province. It is an even greater pleasure that I had the opportunity to personally collaborate with some of them, such as Mr. Deneš, who contributed a lot to the presentation of Vojvodina and Serbia as an attractive tourist destination, primarily on the Hungarian market, but also on the market of other neighbouring countries and the Middle East and China,” said President Juhász.

This year’s laureates were awarded by President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković, and President of the Vojvodina Chamber of Commerce, Boško Vučurević.