20. 05. 2024.President Juhász spoke with President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković

Novi Sad, 20 May- President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, Juhász Bálint and President of the Provincial Government, Maja Gojković discussed today the cooperation and common goals of the two institutions after the constitution of the Provincial Assembly and the appointment of the Provincial Government.

At the meeting, it was pointed out that the AP Vojvodina Assembly and the Provincial Government, as had been the case so far, would continue to contribute to the resolution of all issues within their purview and which were of vital importance for the AP Vojvodina and the life of its citizens.

President Juhász expressed his belief that the Provincial Government, with the full support of the AP Vojvodina Assembly, would continue with the implementation of the initiated plans and projects and work on the implementation of new initiatives and programmes, with the aim of further economic, commercial and social empowerment of the Province.