18. 05. 2024.Juhász: Faculty of Technical Sciences, the guardian of knowledge and symbol of pushing the boundaries of technological progress

Novi Sad, 18th May - The 64th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, and 50 years since it was given this name, was marked today with a ceremonial academy in the City Concert Hall, and on the occasion President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Bálint Juhász was awarded a Charter for Successful Cooperation and Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Faculty of Technical Sciences. 

Thanking for the award, President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina, Bálint Juhász pointed out that the Faculty of Technical Sciences is the cornerstone of our university community, in the brightest sense, and of the community of students and professors.  

“The knowledge the Faculty of Technical Sciences provides to students is competitive not only within our internal and regional frameworks, it is competitive internationally as well, and our students’ success in the Erasmus international exchange programme confirms this, as well as their success in master’s and doctoral studies abroad.  Therefore, our scientific community can be proud, and the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina can be proud because at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, that diamond which has been polished for 64 years already, our students acquire knowledge competitive with time, and they do not have to leave and study abroad, they can use the acquired knowledge for the common well-being of our community”, stated President Juhász.

He also pointed out that for a long time, we had been witnesses of a “brain drain” and labour force drain, but that trend had been significantly slowed, and it had even been evidenced that increasing number of young people were deciding to return to the country.  

“Young, professional staff with the knowledge they have acquired here are fully qualified to be competitive with their colleagues from all over the world in the fastest growing and the most dynamic IT industry. It was those young exceptional people, thanks to their mentors and professors, who positioned Novi Sad highly on the IT world map. Numerous, extremely successful companies have been founded in Novi Sad, and thanks to that our young people do not have to think about choosing a country to which to emigrate, but instead to choose a successful company in which they will find a job”, said President Juhász, particularly emphasising his belief that in the decades ahead the Faculty of Technical Sciences’ mission will be to serve as the guardian of knowledge and always push the boundaries of technological progress.    

Minister of construction, transport and infrastructure in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Goran Vesić, pointed out that the time we lived in is the time of constant and dynamic development of new technologies, and the driving force of that time had come from the faculties of technical sciences, which represented the key force of economic and social development.   He called upon students and professors to continue promoting development, participate in large projects and together with the Government of the Republic of Serbia make a better place for the life of all its citizens. 

Prof. Boris Dumnić PhD, Acting dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences, noted that the faculty had always provided trainings in the country and abroad, and had strongly encouraged the mobility of both students and employees. He thanked everyone who, with their work and support, contributed to the fact that after 64 years, the Faculty of Technical Sciences had become one of the most respected faculties, where new generations of exceptional experts were shaped. 

Rector of the University of Novi Sad, Prof Dejan Madić, spoke at the ceremony, as well as other recipients of the Charter for Successful Cooperation and Outstanding Contribution to the Development of the Faculty of Technical Sciences: Mayor of Novi Sad Milan Đurić, Provincial Secretary for Higher Education and Scientific Research Prof. Branko Markoski PhD, and vicar bishop for the Bishop of Bačka, Bishop Damaskin of Mohács. 

Prizes for outstanding results were also awarded, as well as a Certificate of appreciation for successful cooperation and significant contribution to the building and strengthening of the teaching and research capacity of the Faculty of Technical Sciences to the company “Schneider Electric d.o.o. Novi Sad”. 

The ceremonial academy was made all the more memorable by the musical performance of the famous violinist Stefan Milenković and the choir of the “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” Grammar School from Novi Sad.