13. 06. 2024.Delegation of the AP Vojvodina at the AER General Assembly and the Black Sea Summit

Batumi/Novi Sad, 13th June - Assembly President  Bálint Juhász  and Vice-Presidents Damir Zobenica and Aleksandra Maletić, participate at the 8th Black Sea Summit in Batumi, Georgia, which is being held as part of the General Session of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) , of which the AP Vojvodina has been an active member for many years.  

The theme of this year’s Black Sea Summit is the enlargement ot the European Union and the Black Sea region, and the Summit participants have discussed the importance of the European integration of the Black Sea region countries for the area’s political stability and improvement of its economy, trade, energy, security, cultulture and education.

President of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina Bálint Juhász concluded that the enlargement of the European Union to the Black Sea region countries, which have not yet been the EU members, could have concrete benefits both for the countries of this region and for Europe itself. 

“As regards cooperation within the Black Sea region, it can be vital for the improvement of stability, development and prosperity in the countries bordering the Black Sea, as well as in the countries like ours through which the Danube runs that flows into the Black Sea, thus directly linking us with this region.  These countries have rich cultural, historic and economic heritage that can serve as a good foundation for successful cooperation”, stated president Juhász.

Vice-President of the AP Vojvodina Assembly Damir Zobenica, who is also vice-president of AER in charge of regional economic development, stressed that economic potential of the Black Sea region was enormous, considering its strategic location, natural resources and infrastructural possibilities. 

“Cooperation in the fields such as economy, energy, tourism and infrastructure can bring benefits to all countries in the area. Their approximation to the EU would open new markets and despite all the differences and divergences of views on certain issues, of some countries, their better connectivity would contribute to improvement of the quality of life of their citizens, and the general political stability, as well. “ said Vice-President Zobenica, who also participated at the previous Black Sea summit in Odessa, held in 2018, which was dedicated to the synergy between the Black Sea and the Danube.  

The summit was opened by President of the Assembly of European Regions Albert Castellanos Maduell, and President of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara Tornike Rizhvadze, President of the Assembly of the AR Ajara Davit Gabaidze, as well as the representatives of the Georgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the AR Ajara, addressed the audience, in the summit’s introductory part. 

At the AER General Assembly, during the morning, several strategic documents were also adopted, among which was AER Strategy 2024-2031, which pertains to commitment of this organisation to the development of democracy and increased involvement of citizens in the decision-making process, improvement of solidarity and equity, sustainable development and cohesion, innovation and regional cooperation.  

The Assembly of European Regions (AER), the AP of Vojvodina has been a member of since 2002, is the largest independent network in wider Europe, and gathers regions from 35 countries, from Norway to Turkie and from Georgia to Portugal. AER is present everywhere on the European continent, inside and outside the European Union, and together with its member regions has been the voice of regional authorities since 1985 and has played a pivotal role in recognising regions as key players in creating European policy. 

The AP Vojvodina Assembly delegation stay in Georgian city Batumi in the province of Ajara, where they participate in the work of the AER General Assembly and the 8th  Black Sea summit, which is being held as part of the General Assembly.