Useful Information

Working hours

Working hours of the Assembly of AP Vojvodina: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

The Assembly does not work on Saturdays, Sundays and public or religious holidays.



  • New Year – 1st and 2nd January
  • Visitation of the Virgin – Day of the Sovereignty of Serbia – 15th and 16th February
  • Labour Day – 1st and 2nd May
  • Victory Day – 9th May
  • The Day of Remembrance of the Serbian Victims in the Second World War – 21st October
  • The Day of the Truce in the First World War – 11th November


  • Christmas Day – 7th January
  • Easter Season -from Good Friday to the second day of Easter


  • If one of the holidays falls on Sunday, with the exception of 9th May and 21st October, the following day will not be a working day.
  • With the exception of The Day of Remembrance of the Serbian Victims in the Second World War, public authorities, enterprises and other organizations providing services or activities will not work during holidays.

International holidays


27th January – International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust

Pursuant to the United Nations Resolution 60/7, adopted on 1st  November 2005, 27th  January, as the day when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated, was designated the International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust.


21st February – International Mother Language Day

This day is celebrated as International Mother Language Day, which was proclaimed by the UNESCO in 1999. On that occasion, the world celebrates nearly 6000 languages. Around 200 countries around the world should preserve their languages, spoken by only 4% of the world population.

Vanishing of linguistic cultural heritage, representing the fundamental source of identity for many nations and individuals, causes a breakup of ancient connections with common spiritual sources.


8th March – International Day of Women’s Rights and International Peace

International Women’s Day is dedicated to all women and every year it is celebrated on 8th  March. This day started as a day of fight for economic, political and social equality of men and women. The holiday was initiated by a German feminist and a member of the Socialist Party, Clara Zetkin née Eissner (1857-1933).  Clara started her fight for women’s rights in 1889, and initiated this for the first time at the International Conference of Socialist Women (1910), held in the People’s House in Copenhagen, which later became famous as the Ungdomshuset. Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Аustria, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark. 8th March was accepted as the International Women’s Day in 1917.

21st March – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

In memory of 69 persons who protested against a racist political policy of Apartheid and who were killed for that reason on 21st March 1960, in South African town of Sharpeville , the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe decided to celebrate 21st March, every year, as the International Day for the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. This is used to call upon the right of all people to equal access to information, equal opportunities and chances. All around the world, by means of various activities, non-governmental organisations and state institutions inform the general public of the issue of racism in their local communities.

22nd March – World Water Day

Ten years ago, the United Nations proclaimed 22nd March as the World Water Day, for the purpose of pointing out its importance and its limiting role in development. We are nearing the moment when the need for water will excel the water supply. After that, development definitely ceases and the fight for water will start; there is even a risk of an inter-state wars. The United Nations have designated the whole decade (from 2005 to 2015), as the international decade of protection and conservation of water on Earth. The decade of the action called “Water for Life” started on 22nd March. Water knows no geographical boundaries or political, economic and other obstacles. It is the need of every human being, regardless of their skin colour, religion or nation. Therefore, next time you turn on your faucets, remember water should be used so that there is enough for everyone, but we should also be careful to leave something for future generations.

23rd March – World Meteorological Day

Every year on 23rd March, the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and its 187 members, as well as meteorological community throughout the world, celebrate World Meteorological Day to commemorate entering into force of the UN Convention from 1950, which established the World Meteorological Organisation. Although natural threats cannot be avoided, integration of risk assessment and early warnings, with preventive and mitigation measures, can prevent them from turning into disasters. That means that actions cannot be taken to drastically reduce the consequential loss of lives and socio-economic damage. The World Meteorological Organisation, as well as national meteorological and hydrological services, contribute significantly, at the international and national level, to disaster risk identification, assessment, monitoring and issuing of early warnings.


7th April – World Health Day

World Health Day is the most important date for the World Health Organisation and the event which is celebrated around the world. Since 1950, World Health Day has been celebrated on 7th April, for the purpose of raising awareness of the importance of health. It is a fact that globalisation increases health concerns, taking into account new challenges which surpass the boundary of one country and have impact on the common safety of all people in the world. Through enhanced cooperation among developed and developing countries, the international community will be better prepared for facing the most important problems, regarding public health and assisting the world to become a much safer place.

23rd April – World Book and Copyright Day

The occasion of World Book and Copyright Day is another opportunity for politicians and civil society to honour a book in numerous ways, as a unique means of expression, education and communication. World Book and Copyright Day was designated at the 28th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, held on 15th November 1995, in memory of of 23rd April, the day of death of Shakespeare, Cervantes and De la Vega and the day of birth of many other great authors, such as Vladimir Nabokov.


1st May– Labour Day

The world celebrates International Workers’ Day, in memory of workers of Chicago who went on strike 130 years ago, demanding better working conditions. This holiday in developed countries is an opportunity to organise going out on the streets and inform the general public about the problems of workers. Since then, in the USA and later on in other countries of the world, International Workers’ Day has been celebrated with great parades and rallies, and usually organised by socialist, communist, anarchist and other left-wing movements.

3rd May – World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN Declaration of Windhoek which stipulates censorship to be a serious violation of human rights, while governments of all countries were urged to provide respect of constitutional guarantees for the freedom of the media. The UN General Assembly adopted this Declaration on 20th  December 1993 and designated 3rd May the Press Freedom Day, following the recommendation by the UNESCO. Twenty-three years have passed since then and journalism is still one of the most threatened occupations.

15th May – International Day of Families

In its resolution 47/237 (20th September 1993), the UN General Assembly proclaimed 15th May the International Day of Families. Celebration of this day reflects a clear position of all the UN members, regarding the issue of various forms of families and within that, their position regarding gender equality and women’s right to equal opportunity in employment and equal distribution of parenting tasks, as a fundamental model for modern development of the entire society. International Day of Families is a unique opportunity to raise awarenesss of the general public of different family issues, including domestic violence and to encourage appropriate actions. Families represent the main drivers of sustainable development of all levels of society and therefore their contribution is inevitable for future development.

17th May – World Telecommunication and Information Society Day

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day celebrates the signing of the first international telegraphic convention and establishing of the International Telecommunication Union. Projects concerning development and use of information and communication technologies, should primarily be focused on children and young people, as well as on overcoming a digital divide, for the purpose of global development of the telecommunication sector.

21st May– World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Celebration of the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is an opportunity for each member state of the UNESCO to promote intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity, for the purpose of achieving social cohesion, peace and social well-being. The principle of cultural diversity and pluralism should be integrated, in an original manner, into national development policies, particularly those regarding the improvement of education, environment, world heritage protection, the media, information technologies and creative industries.

31st May – World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day, 31st May is celebrated under the motto: “Tobacco: Deadly in Any Form or Disguise”.


1st June – International Children’s Day

International Children’s Day was established by the UN Organisation in order to promote the well-being of all children of the world. The holiday is also known as the Children’s Rights Day, since in 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

4th June– International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

On 19 August 1982 the UN General Assembly decided to commemorate 4 June of each year as the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression (Resolution ЕS-7/8).

5th June – World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June, on the day when the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment started in Stockholm, in 1972. The latest report of the United Nations Environment Programme points out that the future of hundreds of millions of people around the world could be affected by melting of snow covers and ice sheets, glaciers and the sea and lake ice. Global warming could lead to significant changes in available water supplies for drinking and agricultural purposes and the sea level rise, which could endanger islands and countries with low altitudes. World Environment Day is celebrated all over the world by organising street races and parades, concerts, school competitions in drawing and writing, clean-up and tree planting campaigns.

20th June-World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day is dedicated to courage, which is necessary to survive the horrors of war and exile, for a human being to face uncertainty and worry, as well as to build and rebuild life. World Refugee Day puts emphasis on a very difficult status of refugees and has contributed to raising awareness of this issue.

26th June – International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

The UN General Assembly selected this day in memory of 26th July 1987, when the United Nations first held the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of Human Beings.


11th July – World Population Day

There are 6 billion people living in the world today, while the latest analysis shows that the population growth will most probably stop in 2075 at somewhat less than 9 billion. All that will depend on the further rate of consumption of natural resources, which are decreasing every day. In that sense, the UN predictions show that the population growth in this century will stop somewhere between 9 and 10 billion, which depends on the further natural resources consumption rate. Experts state that there is a gigantic uncontrolled experiment in progress, during which the Earth is being destroyed, above all, by economic activities and at the same time, they warn of the fact that without the long-term planning and management of the world natural heritage, a disaster is inevitable.


12th August – International Youth Day

The purpose of International Youth Day is to actively involve young people in solving of their problems and development of the entire society. Also, young people should join the campaign with the slogan “Let’s Be Visible, Let Our Voice Be Heard”, which is celebrated on the same day throughout the world. The campaign organisers want to make a contact with young people, in order to involve them in creation of youth policy. International Youth Day was established in 1999 by the United Nations, for the purpose of raising youth awareness of the importance of their more active inclusion in solving the issues concerning their status in the society.

23rd AugustInternational

Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition was established by the United Nations on 23rd August 2004, in memory of the beginning of the rebellion of the captive Africans on the Saint-Domingue Island, known today as Haiti. That rebellion was a crucial event in the fight against slavery. On that day, many public debates and various events are organised, which contribute to a better understanding of the slave trade problems and consequences.


8th September – International Literacy Day

The International Literacy Day was proclaimed by the UNESCO in 1967, with a view to highlight the importance of reading and literacy to individuals and community as a whole.  The definition and meaning of literacy have drastically changed over the past thirty years.  Nowadays, literacy is a multidisciplinary phenomenon – it is much more than the ability to read and write, it includes the ability to use various means of communication, foreign languages and modern technologies, as well as computers.

16th September – International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer’s aim is to motivate the citizens to contribute to reduction of pollution, which is the main cause of the ozone layer thinning. Gases that destroy the ozone layer stay in the stratosphere from fifty to two hundred years, therefore the generations in the 22nd century will experience the consequences of its deterioration. Accordingly, before we sit in our cars, we should think twice whether by doing so we take the future away from our children.

21st September – International Day of Peace

In 2001, in a special resoultion , the UN General Assembly declared the 21st September the International Day of Peace, and it bound the world to think about peace, at least that day, and observe it by organising gatherings, events, peace marches and concerts. 
Its aim is to raise awareness of the importance of establishment and preservation of peace, among the individuals and nations.
The Resolution has invited all states and nations, people of all ages and various social classes, to celebrate peace and contribute to bringing peace on Earth.


1st OctoberInternational Day of Older Persons

Number of older persons is constantly increasing, and the United Nations experts anticipate that the number of older persons in the world will exceed the number of young for the first time in the history of humankind, by 2050.  At present, all of the 25 world’s oldest countries in terms of population, except for Japan, are from the European continent.

5th OctoberWorld Teachers’ Day

The World Teachers’ Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries worldwide. The theme of this year’s World Teachers’ Day will behow to achieve better quality teaching at schools through education of teachers. Teachers consider it necessary to get rid of the old-fashioned principle that puts the teacher and teaching method at the centre.

9th OctoberWorld Post Day

It is the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 in Bern, where the Principality of Serbia was among its founders. At present, in the era of computers and electronic mail, the number of letters and circulation of mail are not decreasing. At present, the citizens mainly find bills, collection letters and advertisements in their mail boxes, whereas letters from far away countries are rare. Nowadays, only philatelists are interested in mail, and post stamps are no longer taken from the letters, but bought by stamp collectors.

10th OctoberWorld Mental Health Day

The experts are warning that there is an extreme increase in depression, number of suicides, abuse of psychoactive substances, psychosomatic disorders, delinquency and violence. Even though most of the mental disorders endanger only the people suffering from them and their personal lives, there are cases where the diseased are violent and pose a threat to people around them. The official statistics show that most of the serious criminal offences are committed by persons who suffer from psychosomatic disorders. The World Health Organisation has stated that at present, around 450 million people suffer from some kind of mental disorder  in the world, while every fourth person will experience some kind of mental or behavioural disorder during their life.

16th OctoberWorld Food Day

The theme was selected aiming to improve the understanding of the role of biodiversity and its significance for agricultural ecosystems, as well as to assist the producers to strengthen the basis of their production and help feeding present and future generations. The World Food Day is celebrated in many countries worldwide, in cooperation with the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

17th OctoberInternational Day for the Eradication of Poverty 

In 1993, the United Nations established the Day of Combat against Poverty as a day of symbolic commitment to the endeavours to eradicate extreme poverty and inequality.
The day has been celebrated worldwide, and on that day a special message of solidarity is delivered and it is marked by symbolic standing up. “Stand up and raise your voice against poverty and inequality” is a global campaign aimed at raising the awareness of the problem and reminding the governments and other international actors to fulfil their promises stated in the 2000 UN Millennium Declaration on the eradication of destitution.

24th OctoberUnited Nations Day

The United Nations were founded on 24th October 1945, when the UN Charter was ratified by China, France, Soviet Union, Britain, USA and majority of its signatories. The Charter was signed in San Francisco on 26th June 1945, by the representatives of 50 countries, which thus became the founders of the world organisation. Yugoslavia was among them. The main goals of the United Nations Charter are to promote peace, defence human rights and fight against poverty. At present, the United Nations gathers 200 states. The world organisation has undergone several stages since its establishment, and there is an on-going comprehensive United Nations’ reform, with a view to increase efficiency in resolving world problems.

24th OctoberWorld Development Information Day

In 1972, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24th October the World Development Information Day  (by Resolution 3038), with a view to emphasise the significance of the impact of public opinion. The United Nations General Assembly considers that, by improving the information dissemination and public opinion mobilisation, particularly among the youth, it will be possible to achieve a better understanding of the existing problems.


16th NovemberInternational Day for Tolerance

In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly invited the member states to observe the Day for Tolerance pursuant to the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, signed by its members on 16th November 1995. Tolerance is respect and appreciation of the rich variety of the world’s cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is stimulated by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscious and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, but also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance is the value that makes peace possible, and it contributes to replacement of the culture of war with the culture of peace.

20th NovemberUniversal Children’s Day

In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It is the only document that exclusively and comprehensively addresses the rights of the child. Its preamble and ten principles stress the dedication to separate children as a particularly vulnerable group. A particular protection is envisaged by provision of an opportunity for a child to develop in a normal way, and to have the right to a name, the right to acquire a nationality, social and medical care, family and social care and right to education.   Discrimination of the child is prohibited; it requires protection of all forms of neglect, maltreatment or exploitation. The Declaration on the Rights of the Child adopted in 1959 includes also the basis for the protection of the child in emergency situations. Formally, the Declaration is a non-binding document, but its principles served as a basis for the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

21st NovemberWorld Television Day

World Day of Television, the telecommunication system that, according to many, has marked the second half of the 20th century. Television is still the most influential medium. Even 98 per cent of households on a daily basis watch programmes on the so-called small-screen, which, as a technique, is advancing, getting bigger and bigger, worldwide. During seventy years of its existence, television has become the most influential medium – so powerful that in some states, depending on the level of the citizens’ education, it is crucial for the formation of the public opinion.

25th NovemberInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women was proclaimed on 25th November 1981 and it draws attention to the violence against women that happens all the time and all around us.  It is a global activity initiated by activists of the women’s groups worldwide. Violence is a public, not a private problem – it is the problem of the society as a whole. This activity makes it possible for the public to hear about the things that happen to women all over the world and to initiate changes through every day activities. Workshops, public debates, conferences and street activities are  intended for prevention and education about violence against women.


1st DecemberWorld AIDS Day

World AIDS Day was designated by the United Nations, by Resolution 43/15, in 1988. On that day we express solidarity with people who are HIV positive, as well as with their family members. It is also the day to be aware of the fact that for people living with AIDS, every day in the year is marked by the illness.

2nd DecemberInternational Day for the Abolition of Slavery

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery was designated by the United Nations to mark the 2nd December 1949, when the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons, resolution 317 (IV), was adopted.

3rd DecemberInternational Day of Persons with Disabilities

The Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated to mark the World programme for action, which pertains to persons with disabilities, and which was adopted by the United Nations on 3rd December 1982. At present, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated worldwide, and the United Nations have decided to dedicate the whole of 2008 to better employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. The statistics show that around ten per cent of the total world’s population live with a disability, while it has been estimated that there are eight hundred thousand up to a million people living with a disability in our country. Equal opportunities to development, access to environment, education, employment, social protection and family planning should be provided for the persons with disabilities.

5th DecemberInternational Volunteer Day

In 1985 , the United Nations General Assembly designated the 5th December the International Volunteer Day to commemorate the day when in 1970 the world organisation’s Volunteer programme was created. Its aim is to highlight the significance of voluntarism to the international movement for development, raise awareness about the importance of contribution of volunteer engagement, thus inspiring more and more people to offer their volunteer services.  For tens of thousands people worldwide, voluntarism is an expression of support to the following principle: by working together we can make the world a better place for all. Voluntarism strengthens individuality, builds solidarity, encourages participation and protects the weak from the economic, social and political marginalisation. Voluntarism is an important component of each strategy that aims to decrease poverty, achieve sustainable development, health, natural disaster protection and social integration, and in particular, to overcome social exclusivity and discrimination.

10th DecemberHuman Rights Day

Modern international regulation of human freedoms and rights was initiated by the United Nations’ Charter in 1945. The Charter proclaims and defines – as one of the United Nations’ global aims –the necessity for cooperation among the states in solving “international problems of an economic, social, cultural and humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion” (the first Article of the Charter). All United Nations members are bound by the Charter to individual and collective actions with a view to create conditions for stability and prosperity that are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.

18th DecemberInternational Migrants Day

International Organisation for Migration has called on the international community to help and protect thousands of migrants who have been abused by unscrupulous smugglers every year and who have no means to return to their homes. Therefore, the International Organisation for Migration has called on the governments to create programmes for temporary stay of the migrants, in order to allow migrants to enter a country legally and engage in temporary employment.